Yesterday was my birthday. I won't tell you how old I am, but all I will say is I am closer to 40 then I am to 20! With that being said, I feel like this year, so far, has been...
I recently read a little comic by the guy who runs about why he runs long distances and it got me thinking on my run this morning. Why do I run...
This has been the post I have been dreading the most about writing. I have not had any time over the last few months to really post as much as I would like, but this post has been weighing on...
Photo SourceWith Spring and Summer quickly approaching, I (along with many other women across the country) am thinking more about eating right and focusing on healthier habits. Photo SourceOne of my favorite ways to gain inspiration for this (and...
My husband I were craving brownies the other night, but the problem is that when I make brownies we end up eating the whole pan. Now this may not sound like that bad of an idea (in fact, some...
Well, it's official, my little guy is almost 9 months can you believe it?! He has grown up so fast! Since he was born, I have been working on losing the baby weight and I can officially say I have...
A few days ago, my little guy officially turned 6 months old. That means, I have had 6 months to work on losing this baby weight. I have been stuck with 10 pounds remaining for the last couple months....
I am not going to lie, I have been procrastinating writing this post. If you haven't been keeping up, I have been writing these blogs about losing the 50 pounds of baby weight I gained during pregnancy. (To read the...