Hands down the most expensive thing to raising a child is diapers and second to that is baby food. Have you ever looked at the cost of baby food? Most jars are somewhere between $0.60 to $1.19! It adds up...
Many of you know that I have officially been a Mom for 10 weeks now. My friend forwarded me this in an email and I can say that I have never read something that so much that describes the feeling...
Well it is official, 2011 has begun and it's time that I start getting serious about losing this baby weight. You might remember my first post about the weight gain I had during pregnancy, I gained a total of 50...
This is a project that I have had finished for a while but I have be procrastinating on writing it up. Why you might ask???? Well, this is BY FAR was the worst project I have ever taken on!About 2...