
Being a Mom is one of the most important jobs in the world! So from all of us sisters,HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MOM!To the prettiest Mom!For putting up with three rambunctious little girls.From Luci,From Beth,and From Christi! Thanks for all that...

I had a request a while back to write a couple more blogs on having a baby. Luci wrote a blog with a list of necessities for the beginning family that was very handy! Since having my own child, I...

Many of you know that I have officially been a Mom for 10 weeks now. My friend forwarded me this in an email and I can say that I have never read something that so much that describes the feeling...

A couple of days ago I began writing a blog about what I was going to pack in the hospital bag. I found out on Friday that our baby will be coming a little sooner then we thought, 3 weeks...