sourceWell, I announced last week that we have decided to move to South Dakota and I thought it would be a great time to show off our new (Uh-hum!) place.My husband has always dreamed of owning some land, so we...
The time is finally here! We have finished the last bathroom! We have remodeled all five of our bathrooms (see previous bathrooms 1, 2, 3, & 4.) Well, not all the way remodeled...
We have been very busy on the removing the wallpapaper from the last two bathrooms in our house. We have already redone three of our five bathrooms(see posts 1, 2, & 3) and we are so happy to now be...
I have been long overdue to talk about the results of our guest bedroom remodel, a blog I wrote months ago. Well, the room has been finished for a while and I thought I should show you the results.This room...
We are off again on another room to remodel, this time it's the living room! There will only be three major rooms after we finish this one. With my husband off this month, this remodel might go fast! We just...
It is exciting to say that the Laundry Room has been redone! It was probably one of the fastest remodeling projects we have done to date!On an average day the room looked like this:The room is right off the garage,...
We are at it again, remodeling another bathroom. This might seem like some horrible deja vu, but when you have five bathrooms and they are all needing work you just keeping checking them off as you go. Here are the...